Lily Kate - Seriously? How cute is she?! |
I made it through that year, and through my first teacher/mommy year (not easy!) and am back for round three in Kindergarten! I'm still learning the fine art of balancing being a good teacher and still have energy for mommy-hood. Here is a little picture at my beautiful princess just in case you needed a cute fix! :)

I found this great set of cards somewhere on TPT (sorry I can't remember where) and was able to make this sign. It really helps out our Special Education team as my school is H.U.G.E. and they often end up having to run around the building to find us! I glued the paper cards that I printed onto black construction paper, laminated everything and added some velcro. Hopefully it's helpful.
Well that's enough for one night, I will be in and out of school over the summer doing a little bit at a time.